On trend: Visage sketches & one-line drawings

On trend: Visage sketches & one-line drawings

Visage sketches

I’m not sure if you’ve picked up on the current trend of sketched faces and figurines? Taking inspiration from sketches and line-drawings of Matisse and Picasso, you’ll spot these adorning prints, cushions, totes, earrings, vases and even as tattoos. Some of these portraits are made in one-line which adds an interesting dimension however when you see so many people using the same style it begins to lose its impact. What are your thoughts? 

Visage sketches

Visage sketches

Visage sketches

Visage embroidery art

Visage sketches

Visage sketches

I am enjoying the vases and artwork below with their colourful accents which gives them more originality and a point of difference. These fresh-faced jugs decorated with Picasso-inspired line drawings are by Lrnce, a Marrakesh based lifestyle brand.

Visage sketches

The two pieces below are both by Christiane Spangsberg who only sells her work as originals at exhibitions. Hop over to explore more here.

Visage sketches

Image credits: 1 & 2. Kaitlin Meagan | 3. Waif earrings | 4. moodboard by Stylish Creative | 5. Day Feels | 6. Kate la vie | 7 & 8. Art by Carly Kuhn – The Cartorialist | 9 & 10. Kaitlin Meagan | 11. Day Feels | 12. Stadshem | 13. Urban Outfitters | 14. The Poster Club | 15. Vases by Lrnce featured in Livingetc | 16. Art by Christiane Spangsberg, photo by Brooke Testoni | 17. Christiane Spangsberg

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