An architectural tour through Prince Albert

An architectural tour through Prince Albert

Known for its gables and historical buildings, Prince Albert has an abundance of well-preserved Cape Dutch, vernacular Karoo and Victorian buildings. For any fan of architecture, it’s an absolute treasure trove. So many buildings caught my eye on my walks and explorations, and I thoroughly enjoyed capturing the details. I hope you enjoy the virtual tour!

And if you’re curious to find out more about this Karoo town or to visit, then you might want to dip into these blog posts: 

~ Experience Prince Albert – what to see & do
~ Karoo Charm at Dennehof Guesthouse
~ An Oasis of Art at the Prince Albert Gallery

All photography: Lana Kenney ©


  1. Hi there – so good to see you around the blog-a-sphere again. The building that immediately caught my eye was the Karoo Slaghuis. Such a distinguishable facade it has.
    Reason I recognize it is because I’m such a fan of the MNET Sunday night series called ” Recipes for Love and Murder” which features this Karoo Slaghuis in the movie.
    Thanks for this interesting tour.

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